miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

a Green-in-Between person

I have to be sincere, In general i’m agree with all the ecologist’s ideology, but the fact is that I don’t do many things or have many practics that contribute to save the environment. It doesn’t means that the environment is not important for me. The true is that I don`t have taken a really ecological conscience, and it’s all my fault.
Like I said, I haven`t incorporated many ecologist’s practice in my life, but sometimes i recycle, specially papers, because at the end of a term, i have a lot of fotocopies that i don`t use and i think that recicle it is better than jut put it in the trash. Also I put aside the cans, and in my house we use the Led lights to save energy.
Daily, i don’t use too much the car, basically ‘cause a don’t have one, only when my parents take me to some place at the weekend, but in general I use the public transport to go to the university and other places, because i live far away of everyplace. When I need to go to some place near my house i use a bike that my grandparents gave me a few years ago, and i really like use the bike, more than the public transport, because it’s more healty and don’t pollute the environmen.
I don’t have joined any eco-organisation yet, because i think that you need to get very engaged with the environment causes, but I  think i would enjoy in other moment of my life, when I really take this problem seriously.
I think that in general, Santiago hasn’t developed yet a very important ecological consience in the society, because if you see the city, it doesn’t have many places where you can recycle, or do save bicycling, because it lacks places where the pleople can really develope their ecologist practices, bearing in mind that the pollution in this city it’s very dangerous.

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Why some of us like to drive in the middle of the road

This article talks about a real controversial debate on the UK, that has relation with the “middle lane hogging”, a very important trouble for the UK’s people, and that the Institute of Psychological Science at Leeds’ University try to explain by a curious experiment. Apparently, for the british people its more confortable to drive in the middle of the road.
According to the researches, this phenomenon it’s explained because the old drivers have something like a  “built-in safety mechanism” that would lead them to drive in the middle of the road, because they would felt more safe to avoid manoeuvres which could test them to have slowing reactions.
The experiment was made with a touch-screen laptop for the people that was teasted by the researches. They asked them to trace wiggly lines of varying widths-slowly, and at their own prederred pace. After that, they have to steering along 'virtual' winding roads in a driving simulator, with a complimentary tour of the labs to conclude the process.
The purpose of the work is partly to tackle the road-hogging issue than to analyse behaviour in a way which may suggest new ways of helping patients to recover lost motor skills. The experiment's volunteers did not get on to 'virtual' motorways during the research; their 'middle of the road' approach was confined to the lanes set out for them on the laptops and the simulator.

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

A complicated word

When I hear the word “euthanasia”, I don’t know exactly what to think about, it isn’t simple. To me just the word itself can bring about a range of feelings and emotions that can shift from one extreme to the other.
I don’t know any famous cases of euthanasia that I remember in this moment, but when I saw the movie “Mar Adentro” was the first time that I think about this controversial topic. I don’t belong at any religion, so I don’t have to be agree with no one else about it, I can have an opnion by myself.

And for myself personally, I fully believe a terminally ill person has every right to choose a physician-assisted suicide, because no one else can`t feel the pain and the inmense pain that they’re living. The problem with the governments and the modern society in general, I think, it’s that we've over-sensitized ourselves to the point that death is now a taboo subject for the most of the people. Even if we've got somebody close to us who is dying we don’t talk about it and face the inevitable. But we forget a very important think, that this persons are the only one that are living and suffering with the way that they’re living, so they have all the rights to choose if they want to live or die.

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Traveling around the world.

Well, the truth is that I’ve always wanted  to travel around the world all my life, and visit every single country of the planet, knowing differents people and cultures. I would have to spend a lot of money or probably make a bank robbery .But i’m realist and I know that it isn’t possible, so I continue dreaming because it’s free.
 I’ve travel abroad a few times, specially I went to Buenos Aires, and I really love that city. However, if i have to travel abroad again, i think that i would choose an Europe’s country, ‘cause there’s a lot of fascinating things to do. Maybe, I would like to visit Greece, I would really enjoy to know the cradle of the occidental culture and gettin’  trhouth Atenas city .
I dont`t know so much about this country, but i know that there was where the greek civilitation develope a lot of important knowing for the present and I really love what they did, specially about culture and arts.
ObviousIy I would like stay as long as possible, probably I would study the language and learn more about the greek traditions, and live there the most part of my life.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

Cinema makes me happy

I always thought that the cinema is one of the most special art's expression, because it can shows a lot of varied situations.
 In general I used to watch films at home, because i like too much them, so if i go to the cinema every time that i want, i would probably spend a lot of money. But most of the time i watch them from the computer  and ometimes i go to the cinema too, specially when it`s a movie that i want see so much that i can`t wait to download it from the internet, like specials cycles of cinema or thematics documentals.  I try to watch a movie all the weeks but sometimes it’s difficoult  because i don`t have the time enought.
I haven’t see many chileans films, but there’s one that i liked too much, it was “Fuga” and i like it because shows the life of a musician that was obsessed with a piece of clasic music, so he try to forget it ‘cause it remember him the death of his sister. I recommend it , it’s a very interesting film, that really get into the mind of this sick man and shows the pain in that he lives.
However, i like more the international movies, specially the drama films with  daily thematics. I really love Almodovar’s movies, i think  his movies are so loaded with emotions and reallity. But my favorite director ever is Woody Allen, because all his films have interesting dialogs and characters, his histories will be a little unreal with an untypical comedy , but if you aske me what kind of film i will choose to represent my life, i’ ll say that Woody probably makes a very good version of me.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

Summer's Term

Hi everyone, today i'm gonna talk about this new term that i`m going to past this time, because this year was exceptionally movilized for the stundents, and we were on strike among five months, so now i have to recover the time passing the most part of my summer studing in the university. In this term, i only have two months to do my subjets, so i hope it don`t be so terrible.  Currently i`m doing six subjets, a general training course (or CFG) and the english class. I want to be exempt of all of them at the end of the term, this way i could have february and march to pass my vacations with my family. Really, i don`t love the idea of pass christmas time and the new year doing my subjets, but it neather bother me, because i think that the movilizations were for a very important reason.